The service of providing copies of contracts by the Notarial Archives is tied with a Quality Service Charter with the obligation of providing a copy within 5 days or less. It is only under exceptional circumstances that the Chief Notary to Government may authorise that a copy is issued within 1 or 2 days from date of order.

Taking photos is strictly prohibited.

It can be the case that the volume has not yet been deposited at the archives because it would still be at the reviewing officer. In such case, one can only obtain a copy of the contract from the Notary who published the contract.

Several notarial volumes at the Notarial Archives are war-damaged. However one may see its replica at the secondary archives at 217 St. Paul’s Street Valletta.

Gozitan Notaries deposit their volumes containing original deeds and wills at the Notarial Archives in Gozo. The online system of ordering contracts on the notarial acts portal applies also to contracts published by Gozitan Notaries.

Yes. On the Notarial Archives website, there is a list of all the Notaries with their deposited volumes on a yearly basis. This list is updated when new volumes are collected from the Notary.

A will can only be seen by the testator. It can only be seen by the public if the testators are not alive. A copy of the will can be collected on behalf of the testator upon presenting a special power of attorney. A specimen power of attorney may be obtained from the Office of the Notary to Government.